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Frequently Asked

Why should I get my piano tuned?

A well-tuned piano not only sounds better, but it also provides a more enjoyable playing experience. Regular tunings also help maintain the instrument’s longevity and value.

How often should my piano be tuned?

Most manufacturers recommend tuning at least twice a year. However, the frequency might vary based on the piano’s age, usage, and environmental conditions.

How long does a tuning session usually take?

A standard tuning session typically lasts between 1 to 2 hours, but this can vary based on the piano’s condition and when it was last serviced.

What’s the difference between tuning and voicing?

Tuning adjusts the pitch of your piano, while voicing adjusts the tone or quality of the sound. Both are essential for a well-rounded piano maintenance regimen.

My piano hasn’t been tuned in years. Is it too late?

It’s never too late, but pianos that haven’t been tuned for extended periods might require additional sessions or repairs to bring them back to optimal condition.

How can I maintain the best environment for my piano?

Keep your piano away from direct sunlight, radiators, and vents. Maintain a stable humidity level, ideally between 40% and 60%, to prevent wood warping and string issues.

piano tuning

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